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Super Late Models

ASA reviving ABC Committee

ASA announced on Thursday that it was spearheading the revival of the Approved Body Configuration Committee.

The former group under that name was a collection of regional promoters who oversaw Super Late Model body regulations since 2004 and most recently included the CRA’s RJ Scott and Glenn Luckett; Tim Bryant of Five Flags Speedway, the Snowball Derby and Southern Super Series; Larry Collins of the SRL SPEARS Southwest Tour, the Midwest Tour’s Gregg McKarns and CARS Tour president Jack McNelly. It also included body manufacturers Five Star Bodies, AR Bodies and Lightning Light Bodies.

That group hasn’t really been a thing in recent years, especially with the consolidation of the regional tours under the new ASA banner and Track Enterprises president Bob Sargent, who now owns the CRA and Midwest Tour and has a strategic partnership with Bryant.

Here is the group’s original charter.

A statement from the ASA STARS national tour on Thursday said the sanctioning body ‘invites industry leaders and stakeholders to participate in this collaborative effort’ so that ‘we can shape the future of our marketplace and ensure that it means vibrant and equitable.’

The Super and Pro Late Model industry is re-visioning itself this decade between the efforts to strengthen the national tour and the regional tour but also exist alongside other non-affiliated regional entities like PASS, UARA and CARS Tour, the latter which sanctions Pro Late Model competition.

“In response to requests from various industry leaders, ASA recognizes the importance of a robust governing committee to oversee the ABC rules. As a proactive measure, ASA has tasked Director of Operations and Sales, Marty Melo, with assistance from ASA Head Technical Director Freddie Query to spearhead this initiative. With extensive experience and a deep understanding of industry dynamics, Melo is well-equipped to guide the re-establishment of the committee.”

Matt Weaver is the owner and founder of Short Track Scene. Weaver grew up in the sport, having raced himself before becoming a reporter in college at the University of South Alabama. He also has extensive experience covering NASCAR, IndyCar and Dirt Sprint Cars.

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